Jun 23, 2022Liked by SpartanAltsobaPatriot

Thank You Spartan 🙏🙌 God bless

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by SpartanAltsobaPatriot

Great job SAP!

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by SpartanAltsobaPatriot

Oh my gosh that’s hilarious about the journalist that fainted like a goat. I can picture that oh man that cracks me up. It’s so interesting to watch war movies and see Hollywood try to depict war. Some movies do a great job like Platoon for Vietnam, but to be these journalists and on the other side I see these journalist be there I bet was interesting and amusing. And for some probably didn’t go very well.

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by SpartanAltsobaPatriot

Hmmm...lots of "reporters" being

there is so very inter-dasting. Who

let 'those' Dogs out?? And why

so many in a dangerous area I wonder.

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